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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Have the baby? Abort the baby?

By now, I'm sure, you’ve heard about the Georgia man that impregnated the 15 year old girl from Facebook. Well, I’m not going to talk about that story exactly but my topic today is similar to this topic and other stories like this one.
I was sitting at work one day and I heard some people (women) talking about this story and one lady was saying that she wouldn’t let her child have the baby. Then, another woman said that she would. The women continued to talk about this subject and began to say things like, “why was she even allowed to have a Facebook page anyway?” (I get so tired of people acting dumb! If they have teens, they have a Facebook page too! We are so quick to judge people about the things that they allow their children to do, when most of the people talking, do the same thing!)

Anyway….back to the topic….How do you feel about this? What if you had a daughter who was rapped and impregnated in the process? Would you encourage her to keep the baby or abort? I’ve been pondering this topic and I don’t know what I would do. I think that the first thing I would try to remember is that the unborn baby is innocent in the situation. I would never encourage anyone to abort. I think I would allow my daughter to make the decision and I would support her decision. Even though this affects my life, it impacts hers much greater! I agree that at the age of 15, you still have a lot of growing up to do and you may not be the most efficient decision maker. However, being the child of a teen mother that raised me, I believe that a 15 year old can do it with support. I'm sure it will be difficult but I believe it can be done. I’m not saying that I approve of teenage pregnancy but I think that each situation has to be looked at differently and not characterized as the same.

As it relates to the 15 year old girl (that I originally mentioned at the beginning), I believe there also has to be ownership on her part. Granted, she probably didn’t think that the man would come by her home and rape her, but at 15 you also know that you shouldn’t be giving your address to a stranger on Facebook. I can’t blame her for that though…..You know why? Because we (the adults) center everything on social media. We need to find ways to make it safe for kids! Don't ask me how to do that, because I don't have any ideas but I know that I want it safe for my nieces and nephew when they grow up! I think the first thing that parents have to realize is that the face of "the stranger" is different! Remember when your mama said, "Don't talk to strangers."? Well, now the stranger is rarely the guy that you saw at the convenient store. It's obvious that he's a stranger! Now, the stranger is the person on the other computer screen. He's not a stranger to the child...why? Because they talk every night online! That makes him common and someone I can trust!

I'm not criticizing social media, I just believe that we have to talk to the youth about it and monitor their use. I love social media sites like Facebook and Twitter (Follow me Twitter! @whenwespeaktv LIKE me on Facebook! When We Speak TV).

Any one of my friends list can see me in public and speak to me and I will be cordial with them, however, I’m not going to invite them to my home for drinks! I said that to say that sometimes you can meet really nice people online and start a good friendship. I have two friends that I’ve known for about 4 or 5 years that I originally met online, so there are good people online but there are also “CRAZY FOLKS”!

So ya'll let's try our best to make social media safe for the kids....no need of trying to keep them off it not gonna work, they'll find a way.....Let's stand up as MEN,WOMEN, UNCLES, AUNTS, MOTHERS, FATHERS..... AS ADULTS to protect these kids!

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